Monday, October 8, 2012


"True knowledge exists in knowing you know nothing." -Socrates

School is challenging, I work 2 jobs and volunteer and take 12 credit hours. It's difficult for sure but I am so blessed to have the opportunity to gain an education!

I absolutely LOVE Utah Valley University! It was definitely the place for me to come, I loved Snow but it's so different up in Orem. I feel like I've grown so much. I am a really hard worker and I know what I want in life and work hard to get it.

Statistics is really hard and biology is challenging this semester but I love my psychology and public speaking classes. I'm dreading spring semester because I have 16 science credits left until I can apply for the nursing program :) I am so excited!

Alexa and I basically live at the library but we have fun while we study biology! We are so crazy!! But I love it and I would hate biology without her.

I hope I can stay on top of my HW and finish this semester strong, get good grades, have fun, and learn some new stuff and even retain it a little!!

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